Today’s Pic of the Day:
We got some rain today and the kids were taking advantage of wearing their rain boots.
Today’s Pic of the Day:
We got some rain today and the kids were taking advantage of wearing their rain boots.
Today’s Pic of the Day:
Found this on the Aravaipa Running Instagram page. Look at us, Team Get Some showing up.
Today’s Pic of the Day:
We are coming to the end of our softball season. There’s a couple people missing in this picture, so we’ll have another one taken next week.
Today’s Pic of the Day:
It’s spirit week at the girls school and today it was dress like a teacher day. They both chose to dress like the PE teachers.
Today’s Pic of the Day:
Today was the Mountain to Fountain 5k. It’s a really fun run with great views.
Today’s Pic of the Day:
I saw these cute shoes I was going to buy for Lainey so I put them in my cart. When I went back to buy them the next day they weren’t on sale anymore. So bummed.
Today’s Pic of the Day:
It’s not that I go to Dairy Queen a lot, but evidently I wanted to keep track of the March specials.
Today’s Pic of the Day:
We had our end of the season softball party today. Not sure why when Brian took our pictures he couldn’t tell we had this big shadow across our faces lol
Today’s Pic of the Day:
How cute are these? Definitely need to do these with the kids or even on a craft day with the girls.
Today’s Pic of the Day:
This is an author who I have discovered in the last couple of years and I really enjoy her books. I found this book list on Instagram so I need to check off the ones I’ve read and then check out the ones I haven’t.
Today’s Pic of the Day:
I went to watch the kids soccer games this morning. Lainey’s team had a few players that were running late so Emery played til they got there. She played goalie and you can see how she’s ready for action.
Today’s Pic of the Day:
I played in an Alzheimer’s charity tournament with my friend Jen. It was a fun, round robin tournament which gave us the chance to play a lot of games. We ended up getting bronze.
Today’s Pic of the Day:
I got invited to play Pickleball at Leisure World today and it was going to be a surprise for Marie’s birthday. I was only able to stay for a few games because I had to leave for my softball hamburger fry.
Today’s Pic of the Day:
Ugh…..I’m still sick and even Kev’s been sick. We’ve got all our meds out in the bathroom. Plus we bought a humidifier.
It was cornhole night. We are in a league and Duker joined our team and it was the first night he made it out to play.
Today’s Pic of the Day:
We watched the baby all weekend because Heather and David went to Mexico. He loved checking out the bunnies in the back yard. All you had to say was, is there a bunny out there? And he’d run to the window to check.
Today’s Pic of the Day:
Did the Love Your Heart 5k with Meredith today. I almost bailed cause my cold is going strong but I knew she’d be there so I went. I ended up getting 3rd in my age group.
Today’s Pic of the Day:
Played in the Leisure World Pickleball Tournament with my friend Shelley. I was suppose to play with my other friend Jill but her husband is in the hospital so Shelley agreed to take her place. We ended up getting silver.
A cold is coming. Ended up with conjunctivitis (pink eye) and had to start taking drops.
Today’s Pic of the Day:
These are actually my pictures from yesterday that I took at Mary and Gary’s new house. The house is gorgeous and I meant to take more pics of all the cool things they did. But I started with the Pickleball court, (one of three) and then did t get another one til the sunset.