Christmas morning is always a fun morning. It usually starts with Alicia being the first one up and going through everyone's stocking and then making sure everyone is up or on their way over. This year she went to JR & Madeline's first thing in the morning cause she is in their family gift exchange as well. When she got home we were all up and waiting so she didn't get a chance to go through everyone'e stocking so they were all a surprise to her. After stockings we go around while each person opens a gift.
Alicia decided that she should open the gift that Santa left for the family. It ended up being a new game called Buzz Word. This was the year of games cause the kids got Kev a bunch of games as well. It's so funny cause he hates to play games, or so he says he really only hates it when he loses. When we go camping we play games all the time so now we have a great new selection.

All Paul wanted for Christmas was stuff for the house. He basically needs everything. He even got a new door mat from Aunt Mary later on in the day for his stocking gift. Here's some of the new dishes he got.

Heather and her new camera. Should have been the first gift she opened but it ended up being the last.

I got a new clock for my wall so that when you are watching TV all you have to do is look up to see the time instead of turning around to look at the other clock to see what time it is. It was driving me crazy. Notice I am also wearing my new amazing snuggie, I love it!!

I wanted my new clock hung up right away so Kev started to hang it and then decided that Paul needed to climb up on the ladder that shakes constantly while you are up on it.

This is a picture so that you can see how good the clock looks up on the wall, not of how cute Alicia is!!!!

I got Kev this new ASU shirt and he really couldn't figure out what it said. He didn't realize it said ASU and Sun Devils. He wanted to know if it was a shirt for when he was on acid.....whatever!!! But once the kids told him it was a cool shirt then he decided he liked it and would wear it.