November 11, 2012 Phoenix 3 Day

One of the things we love about doing the 3 Day walk in San Diego is that the whole community is so supportive.  So many people come out to cheer and are so full of encouragement.  Plus, there are some people that come out with treats.  One of Alicia's favorite treats is when they have liquor.  So for the 3 Day in Arizona I went out twice to cheer, once on Friday with Paul's girlfriend Sarah and the other day was Sunday.  Both Alicia and Kimi came with me then.  We brought some beer, margaritas and diet coke to give out to the walkers.  Let me tell you how much they loved us.  It was really fun, and I can't wait to do it again next year.  

November 3, 2012

It was such a fun night and we made over $1100!!! We sent out invites, made an event on Facebook and just had a great turnout.  This is our 2nd annual fundraising event and I think everyone will be looking for the 3rd annual next year.  We again this year made gift baskets but had alot more different donations.  We had  different restaurant certificates,Carrabas, Valle Luna, Applebee's Old Chicago, Olive Garden, Little Ceasars Pizza and then Frys, The Brush Bar, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Creative Memories, Longaberger and of course PartyLite.  All great stuff that everyone wanted to win.  I got a few pictures of some of the groups at the tables, and either they were smiling for the camera or were just having a great time.  

Check it out, even Kev was playing, or cheating most likely.  

 Yes it's true, Tommy Succow actually played too.

 Gini got to be at the table with all guys.
Mary and some of her friends.  
 Alicia with her roommate Big Gini and Big Big Alicia.
 Willy won the LRC game, but really loved the little purse.  So she donated the money to us and I let her keep the purse.  Great trade since it was something out of the closet!!
 Ward and Terri (better known as Shoes to us) have been friends of ours for years.  We all use to play softball together.

Halloween 2012

Jessi & Hunter brought Annaliese over so that we could see the costume that Jessi made for her.  She's a peacock.  She is just starting to take 6-8 steps so it was hard to get pictures of her.  First she would crawl, then walk a few steps then realize she was faster crawling.  But either way, her outfit was so cute.  She had ruffles all around, then feathers in the front and back and feathers in her hair.  
 It looks like she's crying, but really she is cracking up at Kevin.
 She's standing on her own, not sure if she should take a few steps or not.
Here is the back of her costume with all her feathers.  She can walk around the coffee table really good and the stuff in the middle is just a little too far to reach.  But it's cute to watch her try.

October 27, 2012 Brush Bar

Alicia started going to The Brush Bar months ago, and she got hooked.  I went one time with her and loved it so went again when she said that she was going for another painting.  There were four of us in the group, Alicia, and her friends, Laura & Megan and me.

This was the painting of the day, and then the instructor was going to take us through step by step how to    get one just like it.  
 Just starting out painting our backgrounds
 Hard at work, doing one of the next steps.
     Our finished paintings at the end of class.
  This one was mine.  Not exactly like the one above, but my version of it.

October 24, 2012 Fall Leaves

Janet came home from her trip to Portugal yesterday and wasn't sure about going home cause she had to be back down in Phoenix in 2 days.  So we talked about it over lunch and I told her I would ride with her so we headed up the hill.  We got a chance to get in a couple of walks.  You can't help but notice all the trees and the colors they all turn this time of year.  I think they were on the tail end of coloring but still found some pretty ones.  

Heather on the Radio

  Occasionally at KTAR 620 AM  (she works for 92.3 FM), Heather will fill in for a girl named Fun Katie.  Fun Katie is on the Doug & Wolff show and reads the Tweets of the day and then Doug & Wolff discuss them etc.  There has been a few times Heather has done this and she will always let us know the day of and then we try to be sure and listen to the show at the time she's on.  It's really awesome to hear her on the radio and she does such a great job.  And speaking of doing a great job, she again was Salesperson of the month for August!!  Isn't that cool?  That makes 3 months so far this year!!!
It's kind of hard to see her, but if you click on the picture and look on the right side you can see the back of Heather's head.  

October 6, 2012 Garage Sale

I had said I was so overwhelmed with the garage and the whole garage sale thing and then the queen of garage sales showed up and got everything going.  Mary did so much work for the garage sale, she doesn't even walk in it, she just wants us to meet our money goal. 
 We worked til midnight Friday night to get everything out, set up and priced before the sale started on Saturday morning.  We had lots of stuff and used the whole driveway, side driveway and front yard to display it.

 We didn't just sell our items we helped people load them in the vehicles to take them home as well.  In fact Mary and I helped a lady load the dresser we had into the back of her truck.  As we lifted it into the truck bed a drawer fell out and broke....ooops!!  But Mary quick picked it up and fixed it and she went on her happy way.
 By the end of the day, we were tired and just waiting to clean up.  But before clean up could take place we had a little dress up time.

The day was a great success with us making $552 to help towards our fundraising requirements.  Plus Kimi, who is also on our team, had a garage sale over at her mom's house and raised $350 over there.

October 5, 2012 Garage Sale Preparation

Tomorrow we are having a garage sale for our 3 Day team account.  I am feeling a little overwhelmed with all this stuff in the garage.  Plus there is stuff all on the side of the house and on the back patio.  We've had alot of people donate stuff and thanks to all of them I am thinking it will bring us in a bunch of money!!!

But look at the awesome help I have.  We found this little gem and I think I am going to keep it.

New Gardener

Check out the bushes how they are all sloppy and overgrown.  These are the before:

 Now check out the after.....the new gardener does great work huh?

If you need someone I can give you her name.  It's Elaine Gonzales!!!!  Kev says I do great work.

September 22, 2012 Sloshball

Alicia decided that another activity she was going to do for her birthday weekend was play Sloshball.  What's sloshball?  Well it's kick ball with a keg, so you can take it from there.  I was the referee since I don't like beer I didn't want to play cause drinking is a big part of the game.  She had a great turnout and the whole afternoon was a ton of fun and a money maker.  Her roommate, Gini,  bought the keg and then they made jello shots and everyone that came and gave donations.   She made $252 to put towards her 3Day account.  

Me, Ashley & Alicia
Ashley walked with us last year. 
Some of the Sloshball players
Gini & her boyfriend Mike.
Alicia, Veronica & Teresa
Kimi and her husband Brandon.
Kimi is doing the walk with us this year.  
Bee, Kimi, Alicia & Brandon

Selling Salsa at Kindercare

The Kindercare that Alicia occasionally works at was having an open house.  She got permission to set up a table and sell salsa to make money for the 3 Day.  I worked on making the salsa on Friday and then went with her to Kindercare on Saturday.  They had a great turnout and she made about $110 between selling jars of salsa and also selling a handful of raffle tickets for a basket with chips, salsa and a candle in it.  
                       This was our table all set up.
 We had out some chips and salsa so people could taste it....great idea cause once they try it they buy it.
 Megan, a friend of Alicia's, was a big promoter of getting people to come by and try it.
 They had a few other vendors there and one of them was a face painter.  Before everyone got there I asked her if she could paint a pink ribbon on my face.  She did a great job don't you think?  Some of the kids faces she painted were amazing.

As of January 2009, I no longer have a job. It's not that I lost it, but after 26 1/2 years of working at the Post Office, I retired. According to everyone I know, I don't do anything all day, so I decided to start a blog. Now I can blog about what I don't do all day. I am married to Kevin, who is the most awesome husband I could ever have. It's because of him, that I do not go to work any more. I love that and I love him for that. Between the 2 of us we have 4 children. Hunter 31, Heather 29, Paul 28 and Alicia 26.

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