January 30, 2012

Monday....My Weekly Mission

This week's mission is one that I needed to think about since we are going away starting on Thursday. So I needed one that I could do that was transportable. Here's what I came up with. I have this weekly prayer book called, Lord teach us to Pray. It's probably 6-8 years old. Anyways, it has a prayer for each morning, afternoon and evening for every day of the week. My mission this week is to do the daily prayers in the book every day, 3 times a day. It's something I did when I got the book and then stopped for whatever reason.

January 30, 2012

Mission Update....
For the most part last week's mission was a success. I picked up the mail every day and went through it all. It's amazing how little time it takes when there are only 6 or so pieces at once. I did have one little goof up. I stopped at the box on Saturday and got the mail but then did a bunch of stuff and when I got home I never brought it in the house. So when I went out to the truck on Sunday, there it was. But still took care of it within the week. Got a small break cause there is no mail on Sundays....Yea!!!

January 24, 2012

Mission Update....
Last night we got home around 9:00 and I got out of the truck and said to Kev, "oh I need to go get the mail." He was like, "why what are you expecting, you never get the mail." Too funny huh? Anyways, I went down to the box, and then came home and opened, sorted and shredded. Phew....I almost blew the first day, after I spent so much time getting last weeks mail and my basket of shredding caught up.

January 23, 2012

Monday.....My Weekly Mission

This week's mission is going to be a pain in the butt. The mission I have planned this week is to go through the mail everyday. Ugh!!! Like most people these days, we have the community mailboxes. I am, like most people, guilty of not picking up my mail every day. And let me tell you, mailmen do not like that. If you leave your mail in the box for a few days, it makes it harder for them to easily throw more mail in it. Ok, so with that being said, I am going to pick up my mail everyday, and go through it everyday. Plus to really complete this mission I will have to shred the stuff I need shredded.
This is my mail from a few days last week that I haven't even gone through. So I will have to catch all that up before I can even get today's mail.

I usually go through the mail and sort etc. Then I have a basket I throw all the stuff I want shredded in it. I will finally sit down and shred all the stuff in the basket when I can't fit anything else in it. So you can see I have to get rid of the stuff in the basket and then sort the mail from last week and then do today's. Like I said earlier....Ugh!!!

January 23, 2012

Mission Update....
I am happy to report that last week's mission was a success. I do have to admit that Kevin had a little snack Saturday night and left the plate in the sink which I found Sunday morning but that doesn't count. I did wash it with the rest of the dishes we used for breakfast. This mission is actually a habit I need to stick with so we'll see how that goes.

January 19, 2012

Mission Update....
This week's mission is going great. There are no dishes to be washed, dried or put away. Funny story....Last night I had bunko and it was around 11:00 when I got home. Kev had left a couple dishes in the sink from dinner so as much as I wanted to just turn off the light and go to bed, I washed them, dried them and put them away!! Still 4 more days to keep this going.

January 16, 2012

Monday.....My Weekly Mission

Trying a mission this week, that does not involve food. LOL This week's mission is to do my dishes as they are being used. Now it's not that I have dirty dishes piled up but I am guilty of doing the dishes, letting them drip dry in the sink, and then coming back hours later or even the next morning and putting them away. This mission is all about using a dish then washing, drying and putting it away right away.

January 16, 2012

Mission Update....
Well last week's mission was I am sorry to say.....not successful. I had set that mission for last week because of our camping trip and thought it would be easy to follow. Not so much. I had great intentions, brought what I needed. An apple, an orange and a banana for each day but I totally got sidetracked. Up until Friday all was going good. Friday I had a banana and an orange, no apple. Saturday an orange and some grapes, no apple or banana . Sunday some pineapple, blueberries, and strawberries, more grapes but no apple, no banana and no orange. Will have to try this mission again!!! Second mission of the year...oh well.

January 10, 2012

Mission Update.....
So yesterday was the first day of my eat a banana, apple and orange every day. I had an orange in the morning with breakfast. Had a banana in the afternoon some time as a snack then my plan was to have the apple after dinner with some pb2 as dessert. Well, I went to Golden Spoon and got yogurt for dessert, blew off the apple. Until I was going up to bed and thought, I can't mess this up on the first day. So I grabbed an apple, sliced it up and then ate it up in bed while Kev and I watched some tv. Funny huh? But day one was successful!!

January 9, 2012

Monday.....My Weekly Mission.

We are leaving to go camping on Friday so I had to come up with something I could do while gone as well so this is what will be this week's mission. For this week I will eat an apple, a banana, and an orange every day. This is transportable and also healthy!!

January 9, 2012

Mission Update...
Well I made it the whole week going to bed when Kev does, except of course the night I had my meeting. But get this, the next day when I told him what time I got home and found him sound asleep he told me he had gone to bed at 8:30!! That would have been a tough one. Anyways 1st weekly mission done & successful.

January 4, 2012

Mission Update...
So I had a meeting last night and when I got home at 9:30 Kev was already in bed asleep. Normally I would have gone back downstairs and watched tv etc. But I didn't. I went to bed. Now I still watched tv and played some Words with Friends on my phone, but I was in bed. LOL That counts right?

January 2, 2012

Monday.....My Weekly Mission

This is the first post for my new idea for this year.
This week my mission is to go to bed when Kev goes to bed. I know it sounds silly, but we used to ALWAYS go to bed TOGETHER no matter what time it was. Now, sometimes he will go to bed and I will stay up for hours and I'm not sure why. So for every night this week, I will go to bed when he does. I wonder if he'll even notice.

JANUARY 1, 2012 First Day of a New Year

Here it is January 1st, 2012 and I am still behind on my blog from 2011. But I had to decide if I was going to keep doing picture of the day or do something new. I started that project because it was something my friend Holly was doing. Except for the fact that I am behind in posting I have kept up the project. But I have decided that I am going to do something different for this year, again an idea from Holly. She suggested that I do something weekly. It can be anything at all, but do it every day for a week and post about what it is, and if and how I did it. I am going to call them my "weekly missions." I have a few ideas of what some will be so you'll just have to keep coming back to check out what they are. My week will start on Monday and run through the week & weekend.

I will continue to post my pictures of the day for 2011 until I get them all caught up so just scroll down to at least November 20th, which is where I last left off.

December 31, 2011

Today's Picture:
My friend Becky with her husband Bill. So cute & so happy.

December 30, 2011

Today's Picture:
Alicia's rental car. Bright red funky looking car....too funny!!

December 29, 2011

Today's Picture:
Alicia got rear ended today on an off ramp of the freeway. She was stopped but the girl coming up behind her didn't stop and then that forced Alicia into the vehicle in front of her.

December 28, 2011

Today's Picture:
Check out grandpa feeding his new grand daughter a bottle.

December 27, 2011

Today's Picture:
Paul pointing out the price of a 24 pack of beer in Australia. $44.99!!!

December 26, 2011

Today's Picture:
Annaliese with her new Aunt Heather.

December 25, 2011 Christmas at Mary's

Once Kevin, Alicia & I came back from the hospital we had our Christmas celebration. It was fun going through our gift stockings and then the grab bag. There were a few memorable gifts that had resurfaced and of course along with them came great laughs.

December 25, 2011 New Christmas Baby

It's Baby Day!!! Hunter & Jessi went to the hospital Christmas Eve and she ended up getting admitted. Through the course of the day Kev was getting updates from Hunter on her progress. We headed over to Mary's for family Christmas and were only there a 1/2 hour to get the call she had the baby. Kev, Alicia and I jumped in the car and headed over to the hospital and got there as baby Annaliese was getting her first bath.

The nurse had gotten Annaliese all bundled up and handed her to Kev. It was so heartwarming to see him with that big grin and the tears welling up in his eyes. Look at how happy Grandpa is!!!

The new parents....Hunter and Jessi with their new daughter Annaliese Samara Burgener.

December 25, 2011

Today's Picture:
Our Christmas tree with presents!!!

December 24, 2011

Today's Picture:
Paul & Sarah had gone to the beach for the day and had some dolphins swim up to where they were.

December 23, 2011

Today's Picture:
Went out to look at lights with some friends but before we hit the road Kev said we should go TP some other friends house who were also out looking at lights.

December 22, 2011

Today's Picture:
Some of the decorations I have up on my entertainment center.

December 21, 2011

Today's Picture:
When Mary was over the other night she thought these were the Poinsettias were from Costco cause they were so pretty, but they are fake.

December 20, 2011

Today's Picture:
The new Hope shell for my Miche bag that my friend Terry gave me for Christmas.
The Hope Shells are for cancer awareness and Miche donates money for each one sold. I now have 3 Hope Shells.

December 19, 2011

Today's Picture:
Paul sent me this picture of him & Sarah out to eat in Australia.

December 18, 2011

Today's Picture:
Went to a holiday party at Meredith & Dave's house last night and Kev won one of the LRC games.

December 17, 2011

Today's Picture:
Tamale Day!! Making tamales at grandma Lupe's house.

December 16, 2011

Today's Picture:
One of my favorite pictures. Posting it today cause it's Daddy's birthday.

December 15, 2011

Today's Picture:
Took this picture of Paul yesterday. I took it so I could show Mary the frame that she had bought him for his diploma that is now hanging in his new office.

December 14, 2011

Today's Picture:
Paul leaving for Australia to spend the holidays with Sarah.

December 13, 2011

Today's Picture:
Cookie trays wrapped and ready to be delivered.

December 12, 2011

Today's Picture:
Some of the cookies I am making for the cookie trays I am putting together for Paul's work clients.

December 11, 2011

Today's Picture:
We see these guys at the Cardinals games all the time. Madeline has decided she wants an outfit like theirs.

December 10, 2011

Today's Picture:
Keep smiling!!

December 9, 2011

Today's Picture:
We were giving Paul a hard time about his hair last night. He needs a hair cut and it is just out of control.

December 8, 2011

Today's Picture:
Had a little family shower for Hunter & Jessi and the baby. Grandma, Mary, Barbara and all the kids were here. Kev & I gave them the pack & play and then everyone brought them gifts to fill it.

December 7, 2011

Today's Picture:
I ended up stealing this snowman guy at the gift exchange last night. I just thought he looked so cute sitting up on that ledge.

December 6, 2011

Today's Picture:
We had our Unit Christmas party at my house this year. It was a fun night with most of the girls in mine & Kim's unit. We had dinner, dessert and a fun gift exchange.
As of January 2009, I no longer have a job. It's not that I lost it, but after 26 1/2 years of working at the Post Office, I retired. According to everyone I know, I don't do anything all day, so I decided to start a blog. Now I can blog about what I don't do all day. I am married to Kevin, who is the most awesome husband I could ever have. It's because of him, that I do not go to work any more. I love that and I love him for that. Between the 2 of us we have 4 children. Hunter 31, Heather 29, Paul 28 and Alicia 26.

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