Remember a few months back when I talked about the whole thing with Kev putting in for a transfer? Well around the same time Janet had applied for a new job as well in New York. First hers fell through and then ours fell through and so it was going to be that we all just continued to do what we were doing.
But then Janet got a call again about the New York job which was being the head of the Math Department at Manhattan University. They wanted to know if she was still interested, and she said yes. So now the time had come for her to pack up her entire house and load a truck of what she was going to take to her new apartment and be on her way. She wasn't going to sell her house in Flagstaff but was going to rent it so it needed to be empty for whoever the new renters were going to be.
Everyone had gone up to Flag for the few days before the move and was helping her pack and get stuff moving. I had seen a few posts of Dick & Kerry & Pam being there, Barbara & Tommy, Mary & Diane, Nic & Beka......basically everyone but me & Kev. And let me tell you I didn't like it, and for a couple of reasons. It looked like everyone was having fun and I was missing out. After a couple of days of them all working so hard Janet was no longer going to be living in Flagstaff and both Kev and I were going to miss spending time with her for days, sometimes weeks at a time. And then I wasn't going to be seeing her before she left. It was all hitting me and I found myself just crying at random times through out those couple of days. Finally on Sunday morning of the pack & move weekend, I couldn't take it. I was crying again once I got up so Kev said let's just go up for the day. We can leave now and come back tonight, so we did.
I was so glad I did. I really couldn't do a whole lot of anything to help, I had just had my knee surgery 10 days before so I was still pretty sore and not moving too quick. But I was there. I was now part of the Not sure if everyone doing all the work would have called it fun, but just being with everyone was for me. I still did alot of crying here and there. Part of it was the fact that I just had surgery and was having that after surgery cry about everything going on, and another part was the fact that Jan was moving and I was going to miss her so much.
But it was a great day. We stayed til early evening and came home. I was sad leaving but still so glad I went. I was going to miss out on the road trip with Dick, Diane, Janet & Mary driving to New York but I knew that was something that I would never be comfortable with having my new knee put in so recently, but I was ok with it.