I had bought this picture at a sale a few days before Christmas. I knew I wanted it somewhere in the new house. When we first moved in I had it leaning against the wall I wanted it on for a few weeks. I was afraid to put a hole in the wall to hang it. Not really sure why, I guess cause there weren't any and I was putting off making any. But I finally did and love the wall I put it on. It is right inside the front door and you can see it from the whole family/dining room.
The second hole came when Barb and Mark gave us this picture when they came to see the house for the first time. She said she had seen the picture and really thought it reminded her of me and our family.
So once those first couple holes were out of the way, Alicia and I went to town on this cross wall. This is a small wall in the dining room area but just what I wanted. Alicia had most of the crosses and then we got a few extras to make it complete.