Even before Yvonne and I found some rocks we had talked about painting and hiding some ourselves. So we decided to hurry up and get some done since she was going back to Canada for 3 months in a few days. We found a great spot over by the construction gate where there were a ton of river rocks that we could use. We got some paint from our friend Cheryl so we would have a base coat on them so then we could just use sharpies to write on them.
We did a bunch of them with all kinds of positive says and even a few cute ones. Then we drove around in her golf cart and put them all around on different walking paths and sidewalks as well as putting some in some yards of people we knew.
The funny thing is while we were driving around we started thinking of some funny things we could put on rocks to hide as well as put out for people we know. So after we got rid of the first batch we went back and got a bunch more rocks and made some more. Yvonne made some pickle ones for some of our friends and then we made some others too with some sayings that pertain to certain friends. Then we just did some random ones to hide. We laughed cause rocks that people have been putting out as well as some from our first batch have been all positive and encouraging and we decided to change it up with some kind of rude ones that we thought were funny. Like.... Big Deal You Found a Rock......Love Joy Happiness blah blah blah....Keep Walking or that Covid 15 is going to be Covid 25......Not sure if others would think they were funny, but we did.
Here’s a funny story about this rock.....
This couple, Lori and Brett, got a letter in the mail anonymously from a neighbor that told them they were bringing down the value of the neighborhood because they park their cars in their driveway. It said they should get a storage unit and clean out their garage and park in it. So I made that rock for them and put it by their front door. Yvonne and I actually drove by them on our way to their house while they were out walking and we told them we were just cruising around. Well they didn’t see the rock that night but Brett saw it the next morning after he got home from playing Pickleball and he thought it was from the neighbor that wrote the letter and he went over and yelled at them. Oops!!!
Another friend text and asked if it was us cause she got a rock too, that says Fireball Queen, and another friend got the one that says , Who the Fuck are You, (a rude women said that to her at an event at the clubhouse) so we told her that yes we made it. I went over later to apologize but they actually thought it was really funny.
Yvonne had to get on my case a few times when I would jump out of the cart to put a rock out cause I would somewhat hide it. I’d put it in a bush or behind leaves and try to disguise it. So she’d say, ”it’s not an Easter egg hunt, we want people to find them, quit hiding them.” Overall, super fun painting them and “hiding” them, gave us something to do.