February 18, 2013 Where have you been?

It's hard to believe that I have not updated my blog since November, but it's true.  I think the longest I have ever gone without a post is like 3 weeks.  I sat down so many times to do a post and just became overwhelmed with the fact that I was behind.  I would think I didn't have enough time to catch up, so then I wouldn't post anything.  Then December came and went and so did January, and now there is only 10 more days left in February.  So I've decided that I will just make a post and then catch up along the way.

The biggest catch up right now I think is the fact that I am working again.  No one really thought I would do it or even that I could do it.  After being retired for 4 years and then going back to work it has been a small adjustment.  The biggest one is that I can't update my blog...haha.   No really it's that I don't get the chance to catch up on my DVR shows...haha again.  (although that is pretty true)

The big question is why?  Why go back to work after you've been retired?  There's actually a couple of reasons.  One being that Kev really wants to retire and he is so tired of the hot hot summers he just can't wait to get out.  Every day he tells me how much he hates going to work, every single day.  And I get it, I've been there and then he told me to retire.  But now I feel guilty.  I feel guilty cause he is so unhappy and I am sitting at home and loving it.
See how sad he is!!!

So I was talking to my friend Terri and she said they were hiring in her department so I put in my application and they hired me.  (It was actually a longer process then that but I'm trying to catch up)  Kev didn't want me to take the job.  He said I'm not happy when I am working and he wants me to be happy....isn't he sweet?  And I told him I want him to be happy too, and he's not, so if I can help get some money to pay off a few things so that he can retire then pretty much we'll both be happy.

I've been working since December 3rd at US Airways in one of the many accounting departments.  I'm actually a Senior Clerk in Revenue Accounting or Company Sales.  I don't know...I'm still learning.  It's definitely different.  It's really quiet.  This is a job that you just sit at the computer and do work.  No one really talks cause you can listen to headsets (I can't yet, not til my 90 days are up), there are only a few phones in some of the departments and there's no equipment rolling or music playing.  It's quiet.

I'm learning my new job and according to Terri doing really good.  I laugh and tell her I'm glad I can fake it so well.  There is the big benefit that Kev and I can fly for free wherever we want, so now we just need to do that.  Maybe even just a day trip to the beach now and then and hopefully a few long weekends here and there.  I do have 2 weeks vacation, so I have to use my days off sparingly since Kev has 5 weeks!!!

But so far, so good.

And now you're caught up!!!!  Not really, but I finally made a blog post.  There will be more to come, and I will throw in some pictures I am behind on as well.

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As of January 2009, I no longer have a job. It's not that I lost it, but after 26 1/2 years of working at the Post Office, I retired. According to everyone I know, I don't do anything all day, so I decided to start a blog. Now I can blog about what I don't do all day. I am married to Kevin, who is the most awesome husband I could ever have. It's because of him, that I do not go to work any more. I love that and I love him for that. Between the 2 of us we have 4 children. Hunter 31, Heather 29, Paul 28 and Alicia 26.

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