June 23 - 24, 2019 Janet’s Storage Unit

When Janet moved to New York 5 years ago she had stuff she didn’t want to take with her but didn’t want to get rid of either, plus she had stuff that she had that needed her time to sort through so she got a storage unit to keep it all in.  She was in town for Mary’s birthday and also the twins birthday party. She came in town early so she could go to the storage unit to try and get rid of some stuff and possibly get a smaller unit. I went up to Flag with her and we set out on a mission to get to work.
We got there and opened the door and thought, omg where do we begin?
This is what it looked like when we opened the door.  Everything on the right side had basically fallen over cause all the boxes collapsed.  The left side didn’t look so bad.

 So we started getting busy.  We made piles for trash, keep and goodwill.  It was go time and we went to town.  According to Jan I was pretty pushy and cracking the whip, but I was just trying to be productive with the time we had. lol  We had a big pile for goodwill so drove the car over to get rid of it.  While we were there we called a shredding place and they said they would come that afternoon and pick up what we had.

Now when I tell you Janet had the paperwork to be shredded you can’t imagine what I’m talking about. We setup a table and one by one I brought over file boxes for her to go through.  Some stuff needed to be kept but most just needed to be thrown away.  At least I had to keep her on track to throw it away.  The file boxes had every paper Janet had every worked on, not just from teaching career but also when she herself was in college.  Papers that were at least 40 years old.  Plus every card and letter that she had ever received.  We even came across the birth announcements I sent her when Paul and Alicia were born, they are 33 & 32 years old!!  Now it wasn’t just her stuff in there.  When Mike died she cleaned out his office and moved everything into her garage which got moved to the storage unit.   Now he had every paper he ever worked on as well as all his students papers too.  Janet had students papers as well.  Both of them had student papers from all the years they had been teaching.  Boxes and boxes of papers that had to be dumped and shredded.  We had a system and had piles for the shredder to come.  

 Jan even found some cash in a card she got.  We used it for a sonic shake!!

The shredder guy came and we gave him like 30 boxes of papers to shred.  The only problem was was that we weren’t done.  We had at least another 30 boxes to go.  He told us he’d come back tomorrow and take whatever we got done.  So we went back to our hotel room for the night and ate, got our shake and crashed.  The next day we got right to work and finished all the file boxes.  Our plan was to get rid of more stuff and take more to good will but they didn’t have a smaller storage unit anyway so we just cleaned up what was left and called it a day.  Next time Janet comes back we are going to tackle it again. 

 Here’s the after.  Looks way better.
It was a fun couple of days even with all the work we did.  

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As of January 2009, I no longer have a job. It's not that I lost it, but after 26 1/2 years of working at the Post Office, I retired. According to everyone I know, I don't do anything all day, so I decided to start a blog. Now I can blog about what I don't do all day. I am married to Kevin, who is the most awesome husband I could ever have. It's because of him, that I do not go to work any more. I love that and I love him for that. Between the 2 of us we have 4 children. Hunter 31, Heather 29, Paul 28 and Alicia 26.

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