March 23, 2020 Corona Virus

I’m not really sure what I’m going to write about for this post. Right now there’s a virus going on and a lot of people are worried about the effects of it. In just this week so many things have been canceled so many things have been delayed it’s just hard to believe that things like this are going on. There is an order that people should not gather more than 10 people in a one place and that everyone should be at least 6 feet apart so in the past few days the Pickleball league I was in canceled our end of season games our end of season barbecue and the end of season Championships. My class reunion was scheduled for this weekend, we were going to go to happy hour at a bar and then have dinner at a friends house, both events have been canceled. The restaurant and bar here at the club have been closed. They have taken down four nets at the Pickelball Courts so that only four courts are available and it’s every other court.  There aren’t large groups of people playing and those that are playing are playing with an empty court in between them.
Stores have bare shelves because people are hoarding food. People are hoarding toilet paper, that actually was the first thing to go when people heard about the virus. You cannot find toilet paper in stores you cannot find pasta you cannot find canned goods it’s absolutely crazy. Just last night Alicia called me and said that she didn’t want to be one of those people hoarding things, but it’s hard not to be when you go to the store and you see how empty the shelves are and you need food or in her case she needs formula. So when going to the store when she would normally buy one can of formula she bought four because she doesn’t want to run out.
Schools have temporarily closed and kids are staying home. Colleges have changed all their classes to be online. A lot of employers are making arrangements for their employees to work from home.
There’s just so much going on and all of it is so new that no one really knows all the effects that the virus can have. This is just the start.

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As of January 2009, I no longer have a job. It's not that I lost it, but after 26 1/2 years of working at the Post Office, I retired. According to everyone I know, I don't do anything all day, so I decided to start a blog. Now I can blog about what I don't do all day. I am married to Kevin, who is the most awesome husband I could ever have. It's because of him, that I do not go to work any more. I love that and I love him for that. Between the 2 of us we have 4 children. Hunter 31, Heather 29, Paul 28 and Alicia 26.

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