April 1, 2020 Staying Home

So back in March I had talked about the coronavirus and here it is April 1st and the Governor has given an executive order which states that the people in Arizona are to stay at home.  They don’t want people out and about, they don’t want people gathering, they want people to stay home and make sure they are staying healthy. They have requested that people should wear masks when they go out in public and the only thing that they should be doing is going to the grocery store if it’s necessary other than that, stay home.
I have still been playing pickleball but only playing here at Encanterra. I quit leaving the compound to play in groups even though I was playing with the same people I still didn’t want to leave the compound. Playing here I decided that I was only going to play with the same three people all the time which were Mindy, Yvonne, and Lyn. Yvonne brings a bucket of bleach water and we put all the balls in the bleach water. We take one out and we play with it and at the end of the game we put it in and we take out a fresh one and we do this throughout the whole time we are playing. Lyn and Mindy are also playing with other people but Yvonne and I have been strict about the fact that we are only playing with them. Weeks ago, our friend Linda wasn’t feeling good and she was worried but she only had a sinus infection and since that time she was staying home and wasn’t even coming out at all. She did ask last week if we would play again and I told her that I was only playing with the same people and we need a little more time to go by and I would be more comfortable playing with her again. And it’s not just her it’s other people as well it’s just a choice I’ve made. Other than occasionally playing pickleball the only other thing I have been doing is going out for my daily walk. Sometimes I go in the morning sometimes I go at night. I have been to the grocery store a couple times and also Costco.  Whenever I go to a store or out in public I do wear a mask, not when I go walking, I’m talking more like when I go to the store or when I’ve gone to pick up take out.  I still haven’t been able to find toilet paper, it’s just crazy.
There’s still so much uncertainty of what’s going on and how long it is going to last and what the new norm is going to be. One of the places that has been very bad as far as the results of the virus has been New York. I did call and check on Janet and she’s doing fine, she’s been really busy with school so she’s been staying in and teaching her classes and doing all the work for her department. She’s working from home because her college is closed.
Basically our day today is just getting up, Kev goes and rides his bike for an hour or so and I will either play pickleball in the morning or go walk and then we will sit and binge some TV shows. We maybe will go out and walk or ride bikes later or go for a golf cart ride and that’s been our life. We’re trying to follow the orders of staying in and staying away from people. The newest phrase that has come along with this virus is called social distancing. It’s all about groups no larger than 10, people stay at least 6 feet away from each other, staying home, and wearing a mask if you go out in public.
Crazy times right now.
Kev modeling his mask that a friend of mine made for him.  

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As of January 2009, I no longer have a job. It's not that I lost it, but after 26 1/2 years of working at the Post Office, I retired. According to everyone I know, I don't do anything all day, so I decided to start a blog. Now I can blog about what I don't do all day. I am married to Kevin, who is the most awesome husband I could ever have. It's because of him, that I do not go to work any more. I love that and I love him for that. Between the 2 of us we have 4 children. Hunter 31, Heather 29, Paul 28 and Alicia 26.

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