March 10, 2020 Pickleball League

I played in a new pickleball league this last season. It was something that I was approached about playing in by a friend of mine that lives in a different community. He and another gentleman were the ambassadors and were organizing and putting the whole league together. I was the representative for the Encanterra community and needed to make sure that we could get together some teams that would play in the league. From Encanterra we had a women’s team in the 3.0 division, the 3.5 division and the 4.0 division and the men had a teams in the 3.5 division and the 4.0 division.  The league consisted of six different communities playing at a park in Casa Grande each week. For us, the women’s division, we played every Tuesday, and the men played on Wednesday.  The whole league thing in itself was something new to the Casa Grande area.  There was another league that was being played out of a park in Phoenix called Pecos Park. I also played in that league on a different team. I love the whole idea of the league, we knew we were playing every week, we had a schedule and we played different communities, it was really a great concept. The entire league season cost each player $20. A tournament now is running anywhere from $50-$70 so it’s pretty expensive. Everyone seems to be wanting to lean more towards this league play because it is good hard competitive play and there’s more of it rather than just playing in a tournament every now and then.  Pretty sure I will join again next year if it continues.
Our team came in second place. We really just missed first place by a few points. And the reason for that is because we did have to forfeit one week because all but three of our players were playing in other tournaments, which meant I didn’t have enough girls to play.  Each week after the game we would take a team picture of the six girls that played that week. I’m really glad we did that because it was something that we could all look back on and then I made this picture collage at the end of the season and sent it to everyone.

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As of January 2009, I no longer have a job. It's not that I lost it, but after 26 1/2 years of working at the Post Office, I retired. According to everyone I know, I don't do anything all day, so I decided to start a blog. Now I can blog about what I don't do all day. I am married to Kevin, who is the most awesome husband I could ever have. It's because of him, that I do not go to work any more. I love that and I love him for that. Between the 2 of us we have 4 children. Hunter 31, Heather 29, Paul 28 and Alicia 26.

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